The Global Legends Awards

Join Global Legends, Hall of Fame & Icons
27th of Nov. 2023, Abu Dhabi

Sunil Shetty in Global Legends

Sunil Shetty


The Global Legends Awards – 2023, Abu Dhabi

Moeen Ali in Global Legends

Moeen Ali

Welcome to

The Global Legends Awards – 2023

At Global Legends, our mission is to acknowledge and celebrate the extraordinary talents, dedication, and positive impact of remarkable individuals. We firmly believe in the power of recognition to inspire others and drive positive change. The Global Legends Awards bring together people from diverse backgrounds and fields to celebrate their collective efforts in shaping a better future.

Recognition Tiers

There are four tiers for recognition at The Global Legends Awards

The Global Legends

The Global Legends award is the most prestigious honor in the Global Legends International Awards program. It is bestowed upon individuals who have achieved unparalleled excellence and have made an enduring and transformative impact on a global scale in their respective fields. These individuals are true legends, whose contributions have reshaped the world and inspired generations.

The Global Hall of Fame

The Global Hall of Fame award recognizes individuals who have consistently demonstrated outstanding excellence and made significant contributions in their respective fields over an extended period. These honorees have earned a distinguished place in the annals of history, leaving an indelible mark that has influenced their industries and the world at large.  

The Global Icons

The Global Icons award celebrates emerging talents who have achieved remarkable success and recognition in their respective domains. These recipients are considered influential figures on the path to greatness and are poised to become the legends of the future. The Global Icons honor acknowledges their outstanding achievements and potential to inspire others, serving as a bridge between promising talent and legendary status


Platinum, Diamond & Gold Awards

These three award levels represent varying degrees of excellence within the Global Legends Awards Program. Each level acknowledges individuals who have made significant contributions in their respective fields, with Platinum recipients achieving extraordinary feats, Diamond recipients demonstrating exceptional and sustained excellence, and Gold recipients being recognized for notable accomplishments and potential for further impact.

Professional Excellence

  • Science
  • Corporate
  • Technology
  • Healthcare
  • Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Education

Humanitarian and Social Impact

  • Peace
  • Social Service
  • Humanitarian
  • Human Rights
  • Philanthropy
  • Community Engagement
  • Diversity and Inclusion

Cultural and Creative Arts

  • Arts
  • Cinema
  • Literature
  • Music
  • Fashion
  • Culinary

Public and Political Leadership

  • Politics Media Environment Influencer Sports
  • Governance and Public Policy Social Advocacy Digital Media and Communication Environmental Conservation

Why you Must Participate in Global Legend Awards…

Six Unavoidable Reasons…

Unveil Global Recognition for Yourself:

Participating in the Global Legends International Awards catapults you onto the global stage, allowing your remarkable achievements to be celebrated and acknowledged worldwide.

Inspire Future Generations by  being an Example:

Participating in these awards is an opportunity to inspire and motivate future generations by your example. Your participation can be the spark that ignites change and encourages others to strive for excellence.

Celebrate Unsung Heroes Like Yourself:

Many outstanding individuals work tirelessly behind the scenes, making a profound impact in various areas. GL Awards spotlight these overlooked contributions by offering the recognition they truly deserve.

Unlock Networking and Collaboration Opportunities:

Participating in Global Legends awards opens doors to new networking opportunities and transformative collaborations. It’s a chance to connect with visionary individuals and organizations who share your fervor for positive change and join forces to catalyze a brighter future.

Forge a Legacy and Impact the World:

Getting awarded in prestigious GL Awards honors isn’t a mere celebration of the present; it’s a resounding declaration of a lasting legacy. It’s a means to honor those who have made a tangible difference, including yourself, and secure their legacy for eternity.

Attain Unparalleled Prestige and Elevation:

By participating and earning recognition in the Global Legends International Awards, you instantly raise yourself to the pinnacle of recognition. This prestigious accolade sets you apart as an illustrious luminary, an elite among elites, and a shining exemplar of excellence that outshines the rest.

Important Dates…

Nominations Open 01.06.2023

Nominations Close 20.08.2023

Profile Submission 22.08.2023

Awards Function 27.08.2023

Contact for Sponsorship Options…

Contact GLA